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2019. 6. 11. 18:54

(to 부정사/동명사)의 (시제/태) 영어이론/문법2019. 6. 11. 18:54

1. to V 

1) 단순부정사 : to V

to V 시제 = 주절 시제

Ellen seems to be rich. = It seems that Ellen is rich now.

Jay seems to be a teacher. = It seems that Jay is a teacher now.

She was said to be beautiful.


2) 완료부정사 : to have p.p

to V 시제가 주절 시제보다 앞선다 (to V가 주절보다 과거)

Ellen seems to have been rich. = It seems that Ellen was rich.

Jay seems to have been a teacher. = It seems that Jay was a teacher.

She is said to have been beautiful.


3) 수동태

(1) 단순수동태 : to be p.p

to V 시제 = 주절 시제

The studuent didn't expect to be given the award.

He needs to be scold.


(2) 완료수동태 : to have been p.p

to V 시제가 주절 시제보다 앞선다 (to V가 주절보다 과거)

She is fortunate to have been selected as the winner.

I am happy to have been given the prize.


2. 동명사

1) 단순동명사 : V-ing

동명사의 시제 = 문장의 시제

My dad is good at repairing cars.

You should study for passing the exam.


2) 완료동명사 : having p.p

동명사의 시제가 문장의 시제보다 앞선다 (단순형을 쓰기도 한다)

I am sorry for having lost(losing) your notebook.

You enjoyed having played(playing) computer game.


3) 수동태

(1) 단순수동태 : being p.p

동명사의 시제 = 문장의 시제

People don't like being ignored.

Boxes are being painted.


(2) 완료수동태 : having been p.p

동명사의 시제가 문장의 시제보다 앞선다 (단순형을 쓰기도 한다)

The robber is afraid of having been seen(being seen).

He is worried about having been punished(being punished).

'영어이론 > 문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

It that 강조구문  (0) 2019.06.13
분사구문  (0) 2019.06.12
의미차이가 있는 to부정사와 동명사  (0) 2019.06.10
동명사  (0) 2019.06.08
문장의 형식 (요약)  (0) 2019.06.07
Posted by happro